Christmas card photo rejects....
Look at that snaggle tooth mouth? So cute...
All pictures of N were either with her hands on her face or her eyes were going in different directions. I couldn't get them both to focus on me for love OR money, and I offered both.
Cubby was giving me the stink eye the whole time.
...and N is finished. No more pictures.
Whew. We have been busy.
We have been ticking off our Christmas list. This year we made a list (as a family) of all the things we wanted to do this season. I really didn't think that we would do so well, but D has been really good about making sure we schedule in the time. So far we have managed to do the following:
--Attend the
Nutcracker (a dance school production, very good and SHORT...)
--Decorate the house. I let Lu do it this year and it looks awesome. Mostly because I didn't have to do it.
--Get a tree. We even got the lights put on it. We haven't managed to get any ornaments on it yet. This week. Maybe.

--Decorate candy houses. I copied an idea that I saw on a craft blog (I am too lazy to do the link). I bought unfinished bird houses at the craft store. I painted them white and then varnished them. No more putting houses together. I can just wash them off and use them again next year. We also used leftover Halloween candy. I discovered the best things to use are Nerds (they make a cool cobblestone effect)and pixie sticks (to "color" the snow). We used no chocolate and it was just fine.
--Took the kids for "their" shopping trip. I am trying really hard to make Christmas about giving. We don't go overboard on the gifts really. Just a few for each person. I wanted each kid (the big ones anyway) to see what it is like to REALLY think about giving someone what they want/need. I had each of them think about what the other members of the family would like, then we went to the dollar store and they could choose whatever they wanted. They will wrap them all by themselves too.
--Make Christmas cards. I have not sent them yet. Not even close....
--Lauren requested to "have a dinner". I wasn't sure what that involved but it was really simple. Invite some friends to dinner. I kind of cheated and did this on the same night as the candy houses. We had
--See the creche exhibit at the church. Every year our stake puts on an amazing exhibit with
hundreds of creches. I have been involved with it in years past, but this year it was nice to just go and see it. They have a kids room where the kids can try on costumes from the Nativity story, make a craft, watch a puppet show. Fun for about 10 minutes.
There are still several things we have to do. Things like putting ornaments on the tree and having a Family Movie Night where we get our
jammies (thanks for the idea ~J). We go to the beach on the morning of Christmas Eve. We are also going to try and see the lights at the Oakland Temple. This one might not get accomplished this year. I also need to wrap the Christmas books so the kids can open one each day and read a new story. My mom gives us a Christmas story book each year, so we have a good collection. I am also looking for a good service project that would be meaningful for Lu to do. We do try and work in service all year long, but this is a good time to find projects.
I am working on the
DS thing...blah. Meanwhile, is there anything you do that is special for Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate)? All my best traditions are ones I have borrowed from other people.....