No, I didn't get yellow fever in story #2 (but that would have been cool, eh?)
I had to get my shots for Africa today. Beyond the fact that I am a giant baby, they HURT. Also, I got many different kinds of live virus injected into my body. The worst one is yellow fever...Apparently it makes lots of people sick.
But don't worry, only 12 percent of those that get sick from the shot experience total organ failure and die.
If it makes you feel any better, Jay had to get an anthrax shot (that had actual anthrax in it)for the army. There is also a shot that has been nicknamed "the peanut butter shot" because it is the same consistency. It takes the nurse two hands and all her might to inject it. Do you feel any luckier? ;-)
That is the gamma globulun shot. I didn't have to do that (phew).
I am just sitting here, waiting for yellow fever to strike me.....or malaria.....
It's been nice to know you for the short while I have. I'm still working on getting that film... let me make another call...
W got the Anthrax twice--you have to go through something like 6 shots, and if you stop after the third shot, you have to start all over again. He has stopped at the third shot twice, because they changed his orders. Six shots for nothing, folks. And I was informed that the gamma now comes in a delicious pill--no more peanut butter. What a gip.
Small pox itches, and you are not allowed to touch it, wash it, or scratch it. My friend out here is going insane because of it.
And depo makes you fat and asexual.
Make you feel any better?
ps, if you turn yellow, I am working on all sorts of taunting remarks for you.
Bring it Yen......
Hey Tracy...congrats on the new baby (one day, or two?).
I don't think you actually turn is more of a puce...:-)
I am really sick today...but so far no organ failure...(and it is 12% of the people who get sick--which is it is really 12% of 20%.....)
When do you leave?
7 weeks.
When I was in the MTC, we were having a health orientation meeting. The health director for the MTC asked all those who were going to the Brazil,Manaus and Philippines to stand up. About a dozen of us stood and he exclaimed, "Congradulations, you all are going to the only missions where you can come in contact with every disease known to man." (there may be other places as well, but that is what he said). I received all sorts of injections and pills to help protect me while I was there. Had to get a "peanut butter" booster every 3 months....along with de-wormers and anti-parasite medication. So Bek, I feel for ya.
So sorry. They don't even give the "peanut butter" shot much anymore. They do it in a few different shots for the average joe. In the military they might still do it, but they don't do it at travel clinic though. Although, most travelers don't go anywhere NEAR the places the missionaries live and work....
I stumbled upon your blog awhile back and now check it regularly. I just wanted to let you know it is great, always entertaining.
I'm still working on getting some film for your trip. The latest update is we're stopping by the guys house tomorrow in between a wedding/reception shoot. I'll let you know when the eagle has landed.
S, THANK you so so much. I am thrilled to have the film (if we can get it). It will help me a lot. I would rather take pictures w/ my film camera, but the cost is kind of this will help a lot.
Off to do a day of photo shoots in San Francisco (and it isn't even very foggy). Story #2 will be put up when I get back.
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