So my daughter is funny. We know that. Here is another Lulu special.
Occasionally, when I don't feel like walking the laundry basket full of laundry downstairs I will just throw the laundry over the banister into the front entry way (the washer is in the that is half the journey right there...).
One day Lauren said to me "Mom, you know what that reminds me of? When you throw the laundry over the banister to downstairs?"
"No, what does it remind you of?"
"Angels coming down from heaven!"
And all this time I just thought of it as dirty laundry. Right now she is emptying her drawers for me. I swear she outgrew every article of clothing she owns while I was in Africa. I am packing them up to send them to our favorite little Phoebe. She is throwing them down the stairs and going
"aaahhhhhhhaaaahhhhh". As in the sound that angels make when the heavens open. The sound that is on every cartoon when someone gets a light bulb moment. This kid misses nothing.
YEAH for Phoebe!!! Those clothes ARE like angels from heaven for us. . . cute, designer angels.
Sadly, it give me permission to spend more money then I should on clothes b/c I know more then three girls will wear them....
Me too! Thinking of angels instead of feeling the drudgery will be so much nicer from now on.
Hey Bek-
I have a feed to your site, but I just realized it hasn't been updating as you're writing. Weird! Anyway. happy to know that the adoption plans are in full swing! Remind me again where you're at? Homestudy phase?
Your pixes continue to tell a good story. I'll get in touch with you offline. I'll be in your area next week or so and would love, love, love to meet up.
Lemme see what else I missed on your site ;-)
I am doing my interview right now.......
I am not going to BlogHer but would love to meet you. We are finishing our you we have been doing it kind of slowly, but it wasn't public yet. DH gave me permission to make it public..........
Let's me up if you have time...I'll e mail you.....
I do the same thing with laundry... throw it over the banister. I hate lugging a full hamper down our stairs.
However - I do it when my baby is not around...because knowing her...she'll start chucking random stuff down there too... I'm not ready for that. ;-)
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