Thursday, August 31, 2006

A mini me after all...

It is a widely accepted fact that my daughter Lauren is a lot like her dad. They have the same personality, the same likes and dislikes. They can both quote SpongeBob Square Pants to the point of me wanting to jump off a bridge. He can read her like a book and is the parent that can say "I just know what she is going to do before she does it". I think she looks like his side of the family, but he thinks that she looks like one of my sisters...

The other day I was adding some pictures to her "book". This is a photo album of pictures that she gets to choose and she loves to read at night. There are pictures of her as a baby, pictures of far away grandparents and cousins, pictures of her every 6 months with all the princesses at Disneyland.........

I came across this picture......

click on the picture to see it larger...

We go to the beach every year on Christmas Eve. It is actually a great time to go because there isn't much fog. It is a fun little tradition for our family. This is a picture that Derek took. I was struck by the fact that even though she doesn't look much like me, we have lots of similarities. We are standing exactly the same way with our head cocked to one side. She even looks a little bit like me here. Notice in the next picture...the family picture that she is back to looking exactly like her daddy (it's the cheekbones).

click on the picture to see it larger

P.S. I love that in this picture Jacob is licking his coat. He still does that. From the time he was a tiny baby when Derek would wipe his mouth he would stick out his tongue and lick the cloth or our fingers. To this day it is not uncommon to hear the phrase "hey, no licking" when one is dealing w/ Cubby. The poor kid was born tongue tied. That is when the skin that holds your tongue to the bottom of your mouth is connected all the way to the tip. It means that they can't stick their tongue beyond their lips (that is only bad if you want to sass your parents, lick ice cream or French kiss). We had it clipped when he was one and ever since then you can't KEEP this kids tongue in his mouth.


Fizzle said...

Yeah, mini-me, you two actually share a lot of similarities, at least when you describe her it sounds like she's taken a page outta your book!

I feel like everyone's revealing themselves. Jenni posted a picture, Girl con Queso, now YOU!

Bek, girlfriend, you look 25! You're very pretty and your man is handsome...will be up in Santa Cruz next weekend. I have to admit, I don't really have any down time until post race, but if you and the kids get bored and want to see me collapse on Highway 1, it'd be a really tragic way to meet you ;-)

Julie said...

Cute cute! (and now I'm super homesick for the beach...waaaah! at least I'll have friends here to keep my mind off it!)

Syd said...

You're gorgeous my friend, just gorgeous!! And she totally looks just like you...I don't see her looking like your hubby even in the second pic!! Jordan actually really looks like one of his cousins. Other than the coloring... :) They make the same expressions, etc. I can't wait to see cubby's current hair cut!! I was laughing pretty hard at that story. I know exactly what you mean, every time I've cut JJ's hair, it takes me 2-3 days to 'touch up'. And Jordan will sit still for it (mostly!).

Anonymous said...

Hey Bek,

Time to totally out myself. I've been reading your blog for awhile (since they listed everyone's blogs/websites on CHSFS's Ethiopia message board, whenever that was), and I've loved watching your family suddenly sprout another leaf! Once we get through the Ethiopian adoption and I get through grad school, I will have mucho questions for you about domestic adoption.

Ok, the real reason I'm outing myself is that I just have to know...what year did you graduate from BYU? My dear sweet freakishly tall husband went there, and for no apparent reason, I'm a sucker for those, "huh, what a small world" moments.

Your munchkins are cutie patooties, and I'm sending you maternal i-DO-have-enough-energy-to-make-it-to-the-next-naptime thoughts!

LuckyRedHen said...

Cute pics and I'd be honored to take your family pics ;o)

Anonymous said...

You probably don't know him, then. I don't think he finished his mission until 1998, and then he went to BYU. But his family is from the DC area, and if yours is, too, them I'm sure there was some temple-mingling amongst them at some point.

I totally feel like I'm spouting jargon like I'm actually a member of the club. Silly me!

Bek said...

We will have to talk........

You can be a member of my club anyday......

Sister Pottymouth said...

That first picture of you with Lauren really threw me. You look SO MUCH alike! But I can see your husband in her in the family pic. You and your family are just beautiful.

I want to see Cubby's hair! I've already blogged about giving my boys haircuts. I like to refer to it as torture day. I don't think I want to know how they refer to it.

Bek said...


True-er words were never spoken in my family. It is torture for me and I KNOW it is torture for him.....

I am just paying someone to do it from now on....

Lyle said...

The beach on Christmas Eve....who woulda thought? To bad there aren't any beaches in west Texas.

How many times can I say your kids are so cute? They're so cute.