The hospital wasn't too bad. Other than the fact that it was very loud and I didn't sleep at all and there was no bed for me, not too bad. The nurses were great and everyone was so kind. I though of "b" who does this every day. I bet it is really fun at some times and pretty awful at others.
I realized today that I haven't spent an entire day with just Norah ever in her whole life. I don't get that long term one on one time with her so it was nice to just have her to deal with. We played a lot. It was kind of sad to see her in the enormous bed. Poor little thing. She looks so small in there, huh? For some reason the plastic at the top of the bed was very interesting to her and she just looked at it.

We didn't have to put the side of the bed up at all because she doesn't really roll over. She is a little bit developmentally delayed, but I didn't think she was too far behind. The nurses informed me that at her age she should be trying to pull up on the sides of the bed and climb out. She should be rolling everywhere. Even with the gestational adjustment, she is definitely on the slow end of the scale. They called in a person who does the OT for the kids to evaluate her. For example, Norah doesn't sit up. When we have tried she starts up doing pretty well for a few seconds...
and then ends up falling over like this after a few seconds.....
For the longest time she didn't put weight on her legs. She has a few hip issues and we thought it was because of that, but really she just didn't like it. We bought one of those baby centers that is suspended on elastic ropes (to make a jumper) and she LOVES it. She will jump for an hour if we leave her in there long enough. So, we know she CAN put weight on the legs, she just doesn't. We just have to help her practice. With sitting and rolling it is the same, she CAN do it she just doesn't. She is a pretty complaisant kid and I think that she just can't be bothered. So, we will need to keep practicing these things with her now. So, the trip to the hospital was worth it if just for that.
The reason they wanted her in the hospital at all was because she had been throwing up for three days previous to the doctor visit. She also hadn't had a wet diaper in 24 hours. I was more concerned about the dehydration than the cough, but when they checked her oxygen level, it was low. It is smack in the middle of RSV season too so they admitted her. She was a great little patient. She didn't cry at all (even when they too blood and did the throat culture) and just lay in her little bed and talked, kicked and cooed. I had to leave at one point to relieve on sitter and wait for the next one and when I got back she had a crib full of toys!! This is how I knew she was tired. She was sleeping on her back in a light room. These are things she never does. EVER. I also love how she is such a little lady. Even when she is sleeping her little fingers look very proper.
This picture shows the little toe sensor. The little red light at the bottom left of the picture is the thing that is supposed to be on her toe. It monitors her oxygen levels. She kept tearing it off (just like she loves to tear off her eye patch.....). We tried putting socks on, we tried leaving her on her tummy, and eventually tried shoes....
The shoes worked pretty well for a while, but then she would just take the cord and pull it until it came off. I must have re taped that thing one thousand times..... They discharged her the next morning and we just had to follow up with the doctor the next few days. She is supposed to pee every six hours or we have to take her back to the hospital. She waits until the 7th hour (and gives me a heart attack each time) and always pees RIGHT before I am ready to rush her out the door. I think that is just another indicator that she just does things in her own time.
Thanks for all the kind words and good wishes. The weekend was a little bit nuts between sick baby, monitoring diapers and dealing with the yuck that the other kids have (both of them are pretty sick too). Derek is off again for a week and so I am on my own again. Lauren is back in school so that will help and hopefully I can get Jacob signed up for a gymnastics class. I figure if he is going to do headstands in his bed, we might as well help him expand his talent. He can also do a headstand on the floor--with nothing to prop him up. He does it yoga style, his legs are bent and he just bends over and very slowly pulls his legs up. He can't do it with his legs extended, but still. This kid is amazing!
Happy Monday to you all!
OH, I'm so happy to hear (and see!) that she is doing so much better.
What a relief - you must be wiped out from that little experience.
Here's to many more (and frequent) we diapers. :-)
Oh, Bek, I wish (again) that I was there to help! Glad you have the very best peds care in the country with LSP right there, though.
Gymnastics sounds like a fabulous idea for Cubby- channel that energy, baby!! Who knows, he might find his grove and end up an olympic gymnast- we already know he's got the drive!
Prayers for you and yours, with lots of love.
Hi neighbor! :-)
Just wanted to say that I'd love to connect in person some time - you can email me at yoporter at gmail dot com if you'd like...
Very sadly, the hospital is no place to get rest.....you can get drugs, hydration, oxygen if you need it, good ice, bad food, but sleep? No....sleep does not come easy here.
Bek-so glad she is better. All the other stuff will come, as you said, in her own time.
ps. I noticed the big 99 on the monitor...that's what we shoot for baby!
b--I thought you would like that...
Her levels were REALLY low at first and after the first treatment it shot right up to the 90's and stayed there for the rest of the night (and that is why we could come home..) I wanted to get that in the picture for that very reason. The treatment at the hosptial seemed to work, but at home w/ the nebulizer it didn't seem to make much of a difference... hmmmm.
We are still waiting for her to pee. she has two more hours before I start calling babysitters!
bek -- I'm so glad to hear Norah is home and getting better. I missed your last post due to all the viruses that have taken up residence at my house. How scary! Please give her a big hug and kiss from me.
I hope everyone is totally well SOON!!
you are such a good mommy. i love all of these photos and wish your day alone with her was something more, but there will be some in the future I bet that won't involve taping a monitor to her leg a thousand times!
these are great pictures- she will grow up and look at these and have the same feeling I get looking at the: you love her so much and are such a good mom.
just how far away are our towns again? can i help?! I swear I am not a stalker!! ;-)
Oh good luck and God bless! Love the sweet pics!
p.s. I'm going to be in Southern CA next month. Have no idea where you live or where I'll be when, but e-mail me if I might be close and if you're interested in trying to meet up for lunch.
Sorry for your stay, but it is kinda nice to have all them doctor types around, no?
Prayers for your family- healthy, relaxed and in gymnastics.
I am so glad that she is doing better, and she is soo pretty!
Happy so happy that Nora is doing better. I loved the pictures of her!
I get such a kick out of Jacob. Little boys are so wonderful.
Whew! I'm so glad she's OK! I fortunately haven't had any hospital scares with my kids but you were smart to take her in.
Glad to hear that she is feeling better. Sick babies are so sad... You took some very sweet pictures in the hospital, though. It must have been nice to just focus on her for a few days, even if she was sick at the time. Hope the recovery continues to be speedy.
I think your husband and my husband should quit their respective jobs, and just be home for a month or so. Then they can each go find another job, that is easier and less demanding.
I'm looking forward to reading you on designmom and seeing you when you come to Phx.
So glad she is doing better. ((HUGS))
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