--If I take Norah's hair out of the braids and then let her daddy play with it, she will end up looking like the love child of
Napoleon Dynamite and Pedro.
--If I ever joke about not going to Urgent Care or calling Poison Control for more than a few days, I am just BEGGING the truffle pig to find poison oak, and to catch a virus that manifests itself by large,
itchy pimples all over his whole body, but especially his face and legs which he will scratch until he is bloody.
Trips to the pharmacy so far since 9:00 pm last night -- 1
Trip to go before I will actually track down the FIVE medicines he needs -- 3
--Apparently Lauren is getting married. Again.

--Also, check out her toothless grin? I told her that if she looses both top teeth at the same time, she gets double from the tooth fairy. She is working that other tooth really hard and it looks like it might come out soon. She is totally motivated by money, but how else would she pay for all those weddings? Is she my kid or what?

--I have one week to pack up my entire downstairs for our big move. We are putting in new floors and a new kitchen. We will be moving in with my in laws for about a month. Fun for us, not so fun for them. Have you ever stayed at a very fancy hotel where you just KNEW that most things there are worth more than you and the rest will just give the kids new ways to end their life? Welcome to Grandma's house! Pictures to follow and expect a running total and photo diary of the things we break/destroy. I say the antique secretary or piano goes first, but I won't rule out anything to do with pool quite yet......
Cubby fell out of his bed before (several times a night) he would just sleep through it and slumber in a heap on the floor. Now, he gets himself back into bed, all without waking up. Sweet! Look at this face, pock marks and all.. is he getting more and more handsome or what?

I am off to pack... Any helpful hints?