The universe was conspiring against me this weekend. I spent all of Saturday doing charity stuff and was going to spend Sunday uploading pictures and writing blog
entry's. I just got the kids settled into their beds (Lauren in the "scary African mask room" and Jacob in the closet...) when the power went out! (That made the masks even SCARIER...). So, no blogging for me last night. No TV either. Boo. Anyway, it is back on this morning and we are good to go. I am going to do a recap of the trip, but I will leave you with this tidbit for now.
Yesterday at church Lauren was drawing on her little doddle pad. She was pointing to a picture she had drawn and said "I wish that Jacob would just leave me in........ (and she pointed to the picture)". I think that what she meant to draw was this:

But, what she had drawn was this:

We have been living here too long if the first thing that comes to my 6 year
old's mind is the luxury car logo (which, granted, she sees all the time here......).....
That's hilarious... I miss the bay area... ;-) We get more pick-up TRUCKS than those yuppie cars of my yesteryear... ;-)
Glad you're back. I enjoy your blog.
Oh how funny!
Too funny! Glad you're back.
So good to hear you're alive!!!
laughing... A LOT!!! :) Can't wait to hear about your trip :)
ha ha! She is so cute!
I wish someone would just leave me in a Mercedes, too.
It's when she writes about the sex, drugs, rock and roll, and VW bus that you gotta worry. I think she's on the right track with the mercedes. Atta girl!
Funny Bek! :)
The combination of words and symbols to write her note is very clever. Funny what seaps into a kids' conciousness.
Best post ever.
Practical girl, I say.
Haha! That's hilarious.
So funny! I remember making the same mistake as a kid- no joking!
Hee hee hee! Love it!
Just found your site, and couldn't help but laugh a little at this one! And your profile? I'm addicted to SVU and hate emptying the dishwasher more than any other chore in this house!
Bek, where art thou?
Hope you're ok.
That is fantastic.
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