Thursday, October 19, 2006

A question for you, readers...

I have stated before that I am not really sure what this blog is about. Some blogs are about adoption, some are about kids, some are about saying what you feel strongly about. Some are mommy blogs, others are home schooling blogs. You get the idea. I have seen some beautiful writing and have several on my favorites list that highlight design, baby products, clothes, adoption journeys, infertility journeys, craft's, etc. I just figured out how to do a blogroll and will be listing the blogs I visit really soon.

Mine is about...not much of anything really. My blog is the 5th year senior that is majoring in "undecided". Mostly, it is nice to write and have some time to process things in my mind. It is really helpful to have "computer writing time" on my schedule because it helps me keep up the sites I have for the families of Cubby and Squeaky. I do their stuff first and I often don't have time for the Crazy site. It is also nice to have a project that has a beginning, middle and end. This is something that I don't get much of in the hamster wheel of mommy-hood. I miss that part about working.

I write lots of entries that don't ever get published. Nor should they b/c they are usually overly emotional and ridiculous. Writing does help me to get things out of my system. I am prone to periods of "the blues". There are certain times of my life that I feel like the weight of the world, and all the sadness of the world is residing on my shoulders and I am not doing enough to make things better. I am not raising enough money. I am not being proactive enough about getting my "message" out there. Especially after I have spent large amounts of time doing Africa stuff. I need to get things off my chest and out of my brain so that I can think again and not just feel hurt and helpless. Here is where you come in, reader. We have all heard much of the hoopla about Madonna adopting a child from Malawi. I have seen articles and blogs and anger...oh, the ANGER in adoption-land. I must confess that I have a very unpopular view of the whole thing. Do you want to hear it or are you sick of it already? I know that I am sick of it but I am just curious.

It is either that or details about the trip Lulu and I took to Disneyland (best trip ever). You can hear all about how I had to remind myself that I did NOT have my black children with me and to stop staring at all the BEAUTIFUL black hair I saw there. I saw lots of great styles and 'do's that I wanted to commit to memory. I have become more aware of how much time hair takes and Nori's 5 inch afro is in need of some help. I have been putting head bands w/ bows on her but it is time to braid (do you braid baby hair? Or should I just do afro puffs? hmmmmm). I also would like to apologize to all the folks in Disneyland last week that saw me staring at them. It was out of awe and admiration...but w/out the babies I just looked like a crazy person instead of a white woman who was getting hair inspiration. is up to you readers. Madonna (and risk my blog actually having an opinion and be "about something") or just more kid stuff? Mom, you are not allowed to vote b/c I know you just want pictures of the grandbabies. :-)

P.S. Africa stuff is making me CRAZY this week. It is too much "hard" and not enough "happy" lately. I have some GREAT stuff that will never see the light of day :-)

P.S.S. 20 buck to the first person who knows who Karl Pilkington is............... No googling allowed.


Sketchy said...

I just found you, but if I'm allowed an're allowed an opinion! My blog isn't about anyone thing other than what concerns and interests me. Mainly that's my family (hey they concern and interest me the most) but thats not the sum total of me.

Mandy said...

I would like to hear your opinions about Madonna. I tend to get worked up about things so I've tried to stay away from the subject since I have so much bad on my plate right now, but I would really like to hear what you have to say since you've been to Africa and personally know what it's like over there.

Mandy said...

Also for your little Squeaky (that's what we called Asha too)I would do the puffs not braids just yet. It may be too hard on her little head to have you pulling with braids. I did puffs on Asha for probably 4 to 6 months before I started doing braids but Asha's hair didn't grow real fast either.

Are you using anything in her hair yet like moisturizer or leave in conditioner? I would recommend Just for Me hair lotion. It's in a pink bottle.

Julie said...

I want to hear both! But mostly Madonna, because I'm wondering if we have similar opinions. Hmmm...I guess I'll wait to share mine.

The blog thing? Mine is about a whole lot of nothing. An when I first discovered my reader #s were climbing I got worried that I needed to sound smart or funny or be more focused or whatever. And then I was like HEY. Having people comment can be fun, but dooode - remember the reasons you started the blog. Not for anyone but yourself. Still, though, I get nervous to put opinions. For example, I'm reading some adoption books right now, one of which is making me quite mad. And I want to write about it to process my thoughts, but oh how unpopular I could be if some people read what I had to say. Anywhow...write away.

Betina said...

Madonna. Of course we want to hear about Madonna.

But don't leave out Disney.

This is me said...

I would love to hear both, or anything really. I actually avoid anything "news worthy" so I'm not really up to speed on the Madonna thing. I know I'm a stranger, but I enjoy your blog and since it's about you, you can write anything you want!

More Caffiene, Please said...

I love all your posts - I say carry on like always.

What about Madonna in Africa? Just kidding...

dalene said...

(Da-hang! You do know, don't you, that I Google for a living? So telling me not to Google is like torturing me. Of course I could just Wiki or Yahoo, but I Google best.)

Post about whatever you will. I love it when you get passionate, so Madonna is an interesting possibility. It brings to mind many a dilemma I think of when I consider adoptions of a variety of people--not just celebs. But what do I know?

Of course Disneyland is always good, too.

Either way your readers won't be disappointed.

Wendy said...

I like blogs with a little bit of everything--mommy, woman, wife, hobbies, viewpoints, etc. I think because they are like real journals, and you get a better idea of how that blogger truly is. Well, ya know--as much as you can without real-life interaction. I don't think blogs have to be about any one thing. We humans are very complex. :-)

Wendy (from Flippin' Sweet)

Carina said...

Do you have the same opinion as me? Which is: I don't care. Let her adopt, the birth father doesn't seem to have a problem. I don't see why it's anyone else's business. People need to relax. Frankie says just do it.

p.s. I don't think you have to have a theme for a blog, I don't. Well, I have ONE theme blog, and the other is for the spilling of thoughts that should probably remain internal. Too bad.

Bek said...

Carina...that is pretty close....... :-)

Thanks for the support...I will just keep doing what I am doing but I might inject more opinion soon....

kristib said...

I know! I know who Karl Pilkington is! My husband is a HUGE Ricky Gervais fan and made me listen to every one of their podcasts on our recent road trips. Let's just say it's sad I know he's the man who could "eat a knob at night."

Anyway, I agree with the rest of the opinions already posted. Write about whatever is on your mind at the moment-if people don't like what you have to say, either they can stop reading or you have started some good discussion.

Christy said...

I'd like to hear about both! Eva's hair is "good hair" in most spots and more afro-like near her neck. It's weird and I don't know what to do with it except pigtails. So, that's what she gets.

Bek said...

Krisitb--YOU WIN. I just listened to all the podcasts. Oh. My. Gosh.

I lived in Manchester and Karl is the EPITOMY of all the English blokes I made me so nostaligic.

Here's to the round bald head of Karl...

LuckyRedHen said...

I want to hear about EVERYTHING. My opinion about Madonna adopting... those that are fighting the adoption think it's a GOOD thing to leave the boy in an orphanage? That's just stupid ("Don't say stupid, MOM." is what my 3yr old would say).

La Yen said...

Your theme is Bek. I like Bek. I like what she finds interesting. I like that we can be friends without me having to wear a bra. I like that she puts me to work, and that her kids are delish. I like Disneyland, I like all of it. And who cares about Madonna? Sadly, money makes adoption easier. So I can see why some people might be huffy about a "quickee" placement, but whatev. I am just jealous because that baby now has better shoes than I ever will.

Emily said...

I agree with La Yen that the money and fame made her above the law in the adoption. I don't really have a problem with that. That's what money and fame do. But have you seen the little boy? He is gorgeous, and that's what kind of bugs. It seems to me that she picked the best looking kid. That irritates me, but I guess good looks get you just as far in this world as money and fame.

La Yen said...

That doesn't bother me at all, because I am the girl who told the social worker "I only want cute babies." And then she laughed and I was like "What? I am serious. No dogs." (But I smiled and pretended it was a Hi-Lar-ious joke.)

Carina said...

Thought you'd like this article. At least I thought it was pretty funny.