We have been keeping No's hair mostly in braids or puffs, but it is getting really long. When it is wet it is twice this length. When we get out of the bathtub she sits between my legs and all her hair gets combed out, oiled and
lotioned. She isn't used to having it down any more and she kept pulling it out to look at it....

Norah has the most beautiful curls and her hair is still pretty soft. I think her curls are going to be the type that grow OUT and not down. It just seems to keep getting bigger. I love it down, but I don't love how snarled it gets from the
car seat and naps. She doesn't love it when I have to comb all the growlers out, so braids it is for now. We have been using Curly Cuties products and have been really happy. They smell REALLY good and even though they are kind of pricey, they last a really long time. I can comb out all her hair very easily after the bath and in the morning when I use the conditioner and hair milkshake.

This is how she sleeps each night (braids or no braids). I think she looks so cute with her little do rag... and they are all pink, of course. I helps keep her hair from getting too snarly and her braids from getting too fuzzy.....

As much as I love Norah's hair and love to do it, I am kind of glad that this next baby will be bald as a cue ball until she is about two (if the genetics hold out and she is a little white haired baby like Lu was...). No hair to deal with. ;-)
Nora looks absolutely beatiful in second picture. Her hair is gorgeous.
two questions:
where do you get curlie cuties products?
how do you get her to keep the do rag on at night?
Her hair IS gorgeous...but when it is shiny like that, it means that it is GREASY, hence the do-rag...
Sarah, I ordered them online. I saw the rec on Erin's blog (the adoption.com transracial family blog). I have used many things, but this smells the best. I use it w/ my boy too (and I know you have a boy w/ luscious curls...). As for the do rag, they just have to get used to it. I have been doing it since she was tiny and she pretty much ingores it now. I need to make some that are easier to stay on (the bandana tends to come off when she sleeps). I have heard that when she is older to use a satin pillow case and that works too.. Mostly, it is to keep the grease stains in check...
So here I am feeling kind of sheepish [baaaaaaahhhhh] not even realizing that you were blogging again [can't say that I blame you for taking a hiatus]. It's good to see that your kids are still so adorable [in spite of recent events]...heaven forbid that fact of life should ever change.
She is so sweet. Thanks for putting up more pictures of your cute kids. I can't believe how grown up Lauren looks. I don't remember any daddy/daughter dinner at school. Is that new?
Norah is beautiful!
Beautiful kids--I love thepink do rag and I love the Stephanie costume.
Just a comment about your new baby, I was talking to a doctor relative about my experiences with twins and how having them, although it is difficult at times, makes me feel so overwhelmingly blessed. He said that he found similar reactions from his patients with children who have disabilities. All of them said that everyone looks at them and thinks "That must be so difficult" or "I could never do that," but when you talk to the parents, they receive so much daily spiritual strength and they all feel so incredibly blessed by their H.F. for this wonderful person in their lives.
I missed you for a week or so, and wow- look at all the great pictures. You are going to have the most amazing wall in a few short years.
Thinking of you and yours!
Truly scrumptious!
What a sweetie pie! Her favorite "do" of mine is the little puffs on top. So cute!
Can I just tell you how good it is to have you back and posting again--especially when you post such great pics of your darling family.
Makes my day!
I'm with compulsive. It's wonderful to have you back in blogland again. Your kids are beautiful! I love Norah's hair! She looks so grown up in that do rag.....
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