Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Parenting tip of the week...

You know how your kids haven't totally figured out the time difference yet? You know how your kids probably get cranky an hour early in the evening (is it just mine?). When my kids are tired the get CRAZY. Persnickety is the best word for it. I have a solution--though this might only work for younger kids. I imagine that there is a point when they won't do it any more. Probably about the same time they don't fall for "I am going to time you and see if you can run upstairs and get my remote/slippers/book in less than 30 seconds".

Here is one of our favorite games (and they still think it is a game. Suckers). Find what motivates them (money for child #1, Popsicles for child #2). Put on a loud song and tell that that whoever can jump or dance for the longest amount of time gets the prize. If you have really competitive children, your kids will be too exhausted to fight and will be THRILLED to sit and watch a movie.

Seriously. This one saves my life.

You are welcome.


Emily said...

Mmm, I'd jump up and yell for a Popsicle right now. That sounds good.

QueenScarlett said...

I so need this tip. They are like puppies aren't they? They have to be worn out. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Oh sneaky. I like it. I wonder if it will work on my 12-year-old?

Suzie Petunia said...

I am SO doing this tomorrow!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Erin said...

grrrrrreat idea. Once, when I wanted my nephews to sit still I had them "compete" in a staring contest where they couldn't talk, and whoever won got a dollar. mwahaha!

LuckyRedHen said...

Good one... thanks! And keep 'em coming!

Carina said...


"Can I run up this hill again? Can I, can I?"

"Yes, you may."

Guess who took a nap!

Emily S. said...

And how about the still waking up an hour earlier since the time change? Any ideas for that? She's like a clock - before the time change it was every morning at 7:30 am on the dot. Now it's every morning at 6:30 on the dot. Ugh.

Bek said...


My kids are kind of freaks in that way. I don't think they have personal clocks. I put them to bed at 6:00 now, instead of 7:00 (hey, D is out of town) and they still sleep all morning (till about 7:30 or 8:00). We also have a rule in our house that the little ones have to stay in their room and play until 7:30 ish. I give them a bottle or turn on a baby einstein video, but they stay in their beds (I even change them if they need it). They just get used to it and will often just play until I get them. Call CPS, I know. This mostly came from the fact that I tend to be an insomniac and wander the house from about 2 - 5 and go back for a snooze until about 7:00.... it works....

Reluctant Nomad said...


angie said...

ha ha! I love it! And, i am going to try it!

~j. said...

My mom told me that when she was at a resort in Florida last week, she was in the gym when a man brought in his son, about 9 or 10 years old. The boy was complaining about not being able to go swimming. The dad said, "We'll go swimming as soon as we're done in here." He put the boy on the treadmill, which the boy LOVED. Gradually, the dad turned up the speed until the boy was at a complete run. After, oh, 45 minutes of hard running, the boy said, "Okay, Dad, I want to stop now." The dad asked, "Do you still want to go swimming?" "No way."

Heh heh. I bet he slept like a rock that night.

Emily S. said...

Good idea - thanks Bek!

Bek said...

I love the treadmill idea. I actually know someone that does that with her very active dog.

My kids think it is a huge treat to be allowed to go on the exercise bike. ha!