My kitchen counters are decorated with Lulu's artwork. The one on the left is called "My Mom" and the one on the right is called "My Treasures" (Jacob, a rainbow and a key).
One morning last week, as I was busily trying to edit photos of Mexican orphans that need sponsors, I actually allowed the children to be in the kitchen. This is traditionally a "no kid zone". Mostly because the computer is in here and Cubby's favorite game is to run up to me, pretend to give me a hug, and then at the last minute spin around and turn off the whole system on the CPU. The little stinker. He knows that it makes Mamma act really funny and crazy. He laughs and thinks the whole thing is hilarious.
Hence the rule.
Lauren isn't allowed in because she gets into the fridge and doesn't close the door. This also makes Mamma act really funny and crazy. I used to dream about being the kind of mom that taught her daughter to cook at an early age, but I am going to have to leave that to the Grandma's. She just makes messes. Right now the only one that is allowed in the kitchen is Norah. When she starts be distructive then she is banned to.
I have started to bend this rule recently because when I don't, Jacob picks up anything he can find and throws it over the dog/kid gate (the only one that can keep him out) into the kitchen. He usually starts with the dining rooms chairs and works his way down to the toy baskets and Derek's piano music. This doesn't usually bother me, but the last time he did it he broke one of our fancy IKEA dining rooms chairs and then used the pieces of bang the gate, like a prisoner. The prison idea was so accurate it made me laugh. Then I rembered that sometimes prisoners are so motivated to get out they will dig thorugh solid cement. Since Jacob has yet to figure out that if you put the chair up to the gate (rather than throwing it over), you can climb over the gate. I don't want to give him any motivation since I prefer to leave this an unexplored skill.
The other day when I let the kids in the kitchen, they decided to "cook. " At first I didn't realize what they were doing, but as I started to listening in, I was really touched by how cute they were playing together. This is honestly the first time I have seen them play together. Usually Jacob just wants to do whatever Lu is doing and then she screams until he goes away. This day has been 2 years in coming. Also, they have NEVER played with the pretend kitchen as long as they did here. They worked and worked and talked and played. Lu would venture outside to get "ingredients" while Cubby manned the grill. It made my mamma heart proud AND I got my work done.
Disclaimer, Jacob is only in a diaper in these pictures. I guess this is my official application to Trailer #4 in Whitetrashville. This kid wants to be naked all the time. Yesterday after naptime I found that he had gotten out of bed, taken off his diaper and put it in his garbage can and then crawed BACK into bed naked. I consider keeping him in any type of clothes a victory. And yes, Lauren is still in her jimmy jams (pj's).
I give you
Nice war paint on his cheek. That is yogurt
Lauren, ever the patient supervisor, is always ready to smile for a picture...
Lauren goes in search of ingredients outside and comes back succsessful. This is Egg Salad Soup.
Jacob goes looking for ingredients of his own
He leaves no source unchecked. That garbage can is a microcausim of my life, eggs, cookies, Diet Coke and a diaper. That says a lot about me.
Jacob is watching the master work her magic
Stirring the Hard Boiled Rocks is hard work...
Jacob checks his orders..... (note that the ottoman he is standing on into the kitchen because he threw it over the gate earlier in the morning)
Salt makes everything better, even bark
Or just on it's own
This the best part. Lauren made this sign for the resturant.
It reads "Pancake Fest, the rest Royalty" I don't know what that means, but she chanted it the rest of the day. The bottom one says "Pancakes are Royalty, Royalty Rules....... Go, Go, Go, Pancakes"
Ok Bek, I don't know if I've ever seen a cuter post. Really. What a great time the royalty had!! So fun. My two have played well in the past, now they are turning into 'real' siblings (fighting, biting, screaming, etc). Thanks for the smile!! I think I'll go get me some salted bark for dinner!!
This is the best. The one of Cubby checking his orderd is superb. He really looks like a chef.
I love that you captured all of this on film. Good for you!
What great photos!! So, there is hope that one day my kids will play like that? I remember spending hours with my sister pretending all kinds of things. So far, my oldest chases my younger two around till they scream or cry or both. Sigh... someday!!
That was so fun to read and see! Cutest kids ever-well I need to give mine some credit ...hee hee
Thanks for sharing!
Such a cute post. Cubby as a short-order chef... precious. Is it me or does Lauren look exceptionally tall these days? She's such a little "mommy". What a blessing... congrats to you!
She is tall, and getting taller all the time. She is 6 and is wearing size 8 clothes.... she takes after us in that way. Cubby however, is wearing the same clothes as last year... we haven't cracked the 2T's yet... poor little polly pocket. Norah is still in her 3-6's but she is tiny, tiny, tiny. Lu will be our only tall one, I think.
This post is so cute! You are an awesome mom to let them go wild in the kitchen! They look like they had lots of fun!
So very cute! They are adorable children :)
Your blog is so pretty!
Okay ...enough of the compliments already lol! I just found you through kind blogs, and loved this post :)...oh there I go again...
Pancakes are royalty! Go go go pancakes!
This shall be my new mantra.
Love it!
Your house reminds me of my own, except that you are much more trusting of your kids in the kitchen. Thanks for the great pictures! They definately put a smile on my face. By the way, I don't think we have a picture of my Nicholas in pants for the entire time he was two.
That is absolutely the most fun! Your kids are great!!! Good job not freaking out about rocks in your pans .... oh wait, that would be me.
How fun!!!!! Love it :-)
Ana, my mom said the same thing about the rocks. These are Target pans (and a skillet isn't hard to replace...). They were having fun. I figure since we will be renovating the entire downstairs this month anyway, it is all replaceable......
I would have ruined 5 pans just to see them play together...
I love what kids will come up with when they're left to their own devices. Rocks - yummy!
Could I get a large order of hard boiled rocks and a side of gogogo pancakes?
Cute pics!!
I just found your blog and bookmarked it immediately! Terrific eggs and restaurant signs! Thanks for sharing.
You win. I cannot imagine having all three of mine home again. Even with the mischief, it looks rather fun and each of them begs to be hugged! They are really darling!
Now for some of those hard boiled rocks. ;-)
How cute! You are such a nice mom. My daughter always wants in the kitchen and I am trying to do better about that. However, my mom never let us in so...
I read your profile and you listed several of my favorite books especially Crossing to Safety, my all time favorite, my daughter is kind of named after one of the characters. Also, I loved Peace Like a River. Have you read Gilead by Marilyn Robinson. I recommend listening to it on tape from the library because the reader is so marvelous, but it is such a beautiful book.
Best Wishes... Tiffany
P.S. I have lots of Diet Coke cans and cookie packages in my trash too so we were probably meant to be friends. :)
Dear Bek,
I forgot to say that Jenni is my sister-in-law technically, but she is a sister in the ways that count and a really best friend. I am really Mo's sister, if you know him and if you don't... everyone should he's a blast.
Also, I am a big Stegner fan so I've read six or seven of his books including Women on the Wall? which is the collection you were referring to?? Angle of Repose and All The Little Live Things are other favs.
A favorite quote from Gilead goes something like this... "There are a thousand, thousand reasons to live this life and every one is sufficient." Beautiful.
It's a rock.
Great post! I love the pictures. Lauren is hilarious with her menus and signs.
oyeiky. My word verification turned Yiddish on me.
Go, Go, Go, Pancakes! I love it!!!
I love this post almost more than egg salad soup.
oh man... this post CRACKED ME UP.
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