Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Just when you thought I was being dramatic...

We just had a 5.6 earthquake hit, epicenter about 15 miles from here. It was the biggest one that I have ever felt. You have just enough time to wonder what it is, then get worried, then run for your kids. This time everything shook, things fell off shelves, etc. I forget that we live ON TOP of a fault line. Literally.

Is this stuff all to make the results of the test tomorrow seem anti climactic?

We don't have phone right now (it went out about 3 minutes after) and the TV is out. Blech. I have Internet though, time to catch up on all the ABC shows that I have missed.....


Anonymous said...

Wow, just what you need to calm your nerves (and your contractions)! Hope you're not too rattled and can get some rest.

Anonymous said...

I just saw that on the news and was wondering if you were all OK.

Take care--

Suzie Petunia said...

I HATE EARTHQUAKES. I've never even felt one. And I don't want to.

QueenScarlett said...

I just got a call from my brother in SLC calling about it because he couldn't reach my Mom. They're all good... my Mom said it was nothing... but then again...we were there during Loma Prieta in 89... that was fun. ;-)

Glad you're good...but man your belly doesn't need the extra jigglin'.

Carina said...

Samantha Who - very funny show.

Dear Bek,
Please stop having such a fascinating life. Also, please stop taking the crazy from the rest of us and bringing it to your house. Maybe spread it around some?



p.s. if you get locusts next, I DO NOT KNOW what I would do.

wendysue said...

My sister called right after it happened (they're in San Jose), saying "Woo-Hoo, we just had our first earthquake!" (they moved out there about 2 years ago, so this was their first big one). She was just glad it was just a little shake, and nothing too serious! Me too!

Bek said...

I was technically a small one...but it felt big. I don't mind the small ones when the glass rattles a bit... I really mind the ones when stuff starts to jiggle on the shelves. There is a fault line that runs right past the driveway, so we sometimes get a little bit more jiggle than other people... mostly it feels like a car has hit you house and then that a plane is flying too close and then you feel like you are on a boat and then it stops. Good times....

Queen, if you were there for the Loma Prieta Earthquake than this WAS nothing. The last big one I really felt was a 4.5 about 5 years ago....

Bek said...

Locusts. Good one Azu. I think that I am due for the plauge first (it is flu season, eh).... and then it will be locusts (in the form of lice...) I know it...

liz said...

dang what a different home position makes! I felt the rumbling and heard sliding closet doors shake and went through your same thought process. I ran for the kid that was farthest from me and it ended right as I got to his door.

did anything break?

nothing moved at our place somehow (5.6!?).

Geo said...

Sometimes irony is no fun at all.