Wednesday, February 06, 2008



We finally have a day without rain! I can't believe it. It is still cold (California cold, not real world cold) and so we have been OUTSIDE. Hurrah.I wrote that "to do" list because I thought it was the most random and eclectic list of things to do in one day, not because it was a particularly busy day... it was actually a great day and I got most things done. I did not, however, stay away from the pie. It was GOOOOOOOD.I did end up getting Cubby's sutures out a few nights ago. It was, uhm, an experience. The only time I could get was 6:00 pm.... so I knew I had to ditch 2/3 of the kids. I dropped the girls off at the fabulous Suzi's house. When I showed up, her house was quiet and clean, the kids had their jammies on (her kids, not mine), the table was set and candles lit with a lovely fire in the fireplace. It was such a good example of peace and calm. It reminds me that it really makes a difference on how the house feels when you do a little bit of prep. I need to work on that. As Suzi pulled a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies out she sent me on my way as the children ran into the play room and started to play, WITH EACH OTHER. That is the magic of Suzi's house.

We raced to the doctor and Jacob was fine, all smiles and silly words. He had a pen and paper and pretended to take my order for food for a long time. I checked in and told the nurse that I was going to need some help and that there was NO WAY I could hold him down. My exact words were "he is freakishly strong". She laughed and sent me into a room. The doctor came, looked at him and decided to put some of that numbing stuff on him. Again I said "he is really strong, we are going to need at least two other people to hold him down.... or a Valium, he, he". She did the sympathetic head tilt thing and looked at me with an "oh, you moms are so funny, but I am the doctor and I know what I am doing" expression. I gave her my best "seriously, this kid is freakishly strong, you will just have to see" expression and we were off.

The SECOND Cubby saw the scissors (that is what they hold the needle with when putting them in, so that was his trauma trigger) he started to struggle. We wrapped him up in a sheet to restrain him, I held his body and the male nurse held his head. After struggling for about 5 minutes and not getting a single stitch out, she called for more help. I told her that I didn't think it would be enough.... another woman nurse showed up and held his lower body. Another 10 minutes (and still no stitches out) and she called for another nurse to come and hold his head. Two male nurses held his head; two of us held his body and it still took about 20 minutes to get them all out.

After it was over, Jacob was FINE, as in singing and laughing fine. The doctor said "wow, that was harder than I thought it would be" and I just looked at her with my least offensive "are you kidding me? I am his MOTHER. I know this kid and I told you so at least three times" look. I am too pregnant to use actual words you see. The best part was that the sheet was drenched from all his struggles and his skin was RED. If you can imagine how much it takes for my boy with skin the color of strong coffee to look red, you get an idea of how hard he was working. She did suggest that next time (and we all know that there will be a next time) they use dissolvable stitches.

No kidding.

Off to the park today. I am going to get some pictures of the house and give all the details on a post I am working on. I am trying to figure out how to get pictures off the "realtor’s tour" website with out showing the price..... Otherwise, I will just take pictures while it is empty. Have a good day. See, I am blogging more. I can follow through on a few things...


CKW said...

Suzi definitely has some secret the rest of us don't get. She needs to write an instruction book for the rest of us.
You could totally get a trampoline. Just get one of those net enclosures that go around it. It will be like a bouncy, padded room!

More Caffiene, Please said...

Cubby will make a great running back one day. If it takes six adults to hold him at this age, imagine when he's 18!

Bek said...

MCP, I think about that. The sad part is that he is only going to be three apples tall. he is REALLY that or a Gladiator.. ;-)

Cyn...the padded room I like, bouncy, not so much...

~j. said...

I just want to say that I am glad you are back and that I thoroughly enjoy reading what you write. *hug*

Carina said...

I hate when they don't listen to you. It's one of my biggest pet peeves about medical professionals.

Look, I when I had children, my brain didn't completely depart so why don't you LISTEN to me and it will be easier on all of us.

Anonymous said...

Yay! for sunshine!!! I think you need to get a sitter next Friday and come play with me at Disneyland.

Anonymous said...

Hooray for sunshine!

A trampoline sounds like a good idea for Cubby! Would you even have room for something like that where you live? Maybe not...

Bek said...

Compulsive... I am THERE.

Mayhem, here we don't, in our new place the yard is JUST big enough for one.... ahh the possiblities.

Demi-Dos said...

i remember when ladd had to have his circumcision redone at 6 months old! i told the doctor and the nurse that there was NO way that just the 2 of them would be able to hold him...they said that they would strap him to a papoose thingy and he would be fine. i told them they would need help. he was too big for the papoose thingy so they strapped him to a trauma board. the 3 of us held him down while the kid screamed bloody murder and they hadn't even started to cut yet. we ended up calling in a receptionist and another nurse and within a minute the cutting was done and little nicky was all salved up. the doctor said he couldn't believe it was THAT difficult to hold him down... what? he just got the tip of his penis cut down with no anesthesia.
don't you do this for a living? what six month old is gonna just LET you cut his nicky off? he wouldn't even let me wash his face after eating while strapped into a high chair.
so, we made sure that we would NEVER have to do THAT again.

Bek said...

Cathy, that is the WORST.. I sometimes want to say "I know that YOU do this all the time, but I know my kid"

The dr. tried to tell me that some kids just sit still and don't need the shots to numb it... good for them. Not my kid. Not any of them. Frankly, I need a valium just to wash the hair of one of them....

Good to "hear" from you. I love your blog and seeing the kiddos...

Leisha Mareth said...

Oh my, when will they learn, eh? That made me laugh. It took 2 of us to hold down my Jacob for his 3 month vaccinations...he is freakishly strong too. He was born with muscles and kicked like a mule. They thought I was joking that we might need help. The male nurse was all sweaty and said, "I am writing that kids name down so when I see him on tv playing pro ball I'll remember him." he-he.

Leisha Mareth said...

P.S. A backyard trampoline has been my salvation. I highly recommend it!