Friday, September 29, 2006
Internet...I need a recipe..
I want to make brownies and I want to eat the whole pan myself. Don't try and stop me. Well, OK, I MIGHT share them w/ my 92 yr old neighbor, but only like three because she lives alone and frankly I NEED these brownies. Derek is in NY and I am on my own w/ the three little piggies this weekend. I say piggie in the most loving of ways. They baby spits up on at least 6 outfits a day, Jacob takes his diaper and clothing off at any possible moment (and I have found NOTHING that I can keep on him, even zip jammies on backwards) so you can imagine the kind of laundry that creates and Lauren has a cold and is in a very fun paper cutting artistic phase. Cute little piggies but piggies none the less. Laundry piggies.
ANYWAY.. I already know what KIND of brownies I am going to make (Ghiradelli boxed...two boxes in a 9/13 pan...they are the best brownies known to man and come out perfect every time). What I am trying to figure out is what kind of delicious topping to put one them. What I want to put on them is some sort of marshmallow-y, chocolate frosting-y combo. Sometimes I have bakes the brownies in a cupcake tin w/a peanut butter cup in each one...yum. I have also done ones w/ a caramel-y peanut topping. I enjoy a good cream cheese frosting w/ raspberries as much as the next guy. Tonight I want something different. I want marshmallow. I want chocolate. I want a layer of brownie, a layer of marshmallow and then some chocolate frosting. I don't want to debate whether brownies should have frosting or not because we all know that no one really cares as long as there are brownies. :-)
Does anyone in blogworld have a recipe for this? I read a recipe like this on someone's site but can't find it now.
On this vein... I want to invite you readers to share your favorite recipe. The favorites in our house usually come from another person and I LOVE to collect recipe's because I love to cook. What do you love to cook? What is your signature recipe? Would you share? I need some new ones to inspire me to get cooking again.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
"you mean, like, less is more?"
"yes, how did you know that phrase?"
"What you used to love now, you're gonna adore
Charmin Ultra......Less is More.....
Cha, cha, cha Charmin"
You know the commercial w/ the cartoon bear? Again my firstborn proves that annoying jingles WORK. She then asked me if I was ever going to buy the new giant Oxyclean ball "that lasts up to 25 loads".
If you haven't heard the is it....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Caribbean recipe's
Monday, September 25, 2006
More San Diego snaps....

Nori slept a lot. This suitcase was her bed on the trip. We used dish towels for her burp clothes. Poor little matchstick baby. :-) Don't worry, she only slept in the suitcase on the trip. At home she doesn't sleep in one. She sleeps in a laundry basket. Seriously.

Poor red Lulu. We did use sunscreen, just not enough. Nori already looks so small to me here. She has changed so much.

Now that Lauren is able to write she can take pictures with all kinds of stuff in the sand. This one says "I love Peter Pan".

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Busy weekend...........
Finally she "had some time" today and we just got it done this morning. Sheesh. Two more to go. We are blessing the baby tomorrow in church and are having a small dinner at our house afterwards (50 people...but for me that is small). In honor of Nori's Caribbean heritage we are having all Caribbean food. Not all of it is Bahamian, but it is all from the general area. It all has lime juice in it........ I juiced 40 limes this weekend. Want to come over? Come on. You know you want to. Here is the menu to tempt you...............
--Island Pork (pork loin w/ a spicy rub and basted in a caramelized orange and honey sauce...sweet and spicy)
--Jerk Chicken w/ mango salsa
--Grilled Lemon Thyme Chicken w/ Peanut Satay or Curry Dipping Sauce
--Caribbean Black Beans (Black beans w/ bacon, onion, pepper, carrots and garlic...yummm)
--Black Eye Pea Salad (white beans, peppers, pumpkin, red onion, celery, and lime vinaigrette)
--Roast Bake (a coconut bread made w/ unsweetened it isn't too sweet..but coconuty and delicious)
--Rice w/ Green Onion and Cilantro
--Honey and Cinnamon Roasted Sweet Potatoes
--Macaroni and Cheese Pie
--Lime Punch (make a simple syrup and steep 6 cups of banana's in the syrup. Then add water and fresh lime juice............Delicious)
--Blueberry cobbler
--Vanilla cupcakes w/ dried pineapple flowers
--Pumpkin pie
Now don't you want to come over?
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
What I did on my summer vacation.....
It turned out that Norah was only two weeks when we were scheduled to go. I went back and forth about whether to go or not, but in the end we got an extra room (so everyone else could sleep) and we were off. We stayed at a small-ish hotel RIGHT on the beach in La Jolla. It was great to be so close to the sand. We had a public beach, a pool and a huge playground structure and park right next door to the hotel. In a word.....awesome!! Jacob loved the sand have the time and hated it the other half (it was so soft...I have never seen sand like it...not up here anyway....). We usually hit the beach early and were in the normal pool by 10:00 am.
I finally cracked out my camera and took pictures. This one is for the grandmas!! We did the beach (fun), the zoo (not fun), Seaworld (started fun then turned QUICKLY into NOT AT ALL FUN) and general sitting around. It was great. Just yesterday my mom reminded me she hadn't seem many pictures of the here they are Mamma Jane. Here is the warning... there are a ton of pictures on leave now if you aren't as interested as a grandma!!

I am not going to push my luck with blogger tonight so I will post the rest tomorrow.
Monday, September 18, 2006
He kills me!!

This is courtesy of the daycare where Cubby went while I was in Africa. They took this picture and sent it to me. Apparently, he was thrilled with the wig and wore it a lot.
He reminds me of a lunch lady...I don't know why. Also, this is proof that not only would he be a pretty girl (I KNEW it) but that those eyelashes ARE wasted on a boy......
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
My name is Rebecca....and I am an addict....

Yesterday I got ambitious and took the kids out of the house. I had three stops planned. About 12 seconds into the first stop I realized that it would be the ONLY one that day. The other errands weren't really that important (diapers and formula...who needs them REALLY?) I knew that I absolutely could not go home without getting some more caffeine. This was my third day w/ no sleep (Derek is in Boston) and the baby is still using the night time hours as her personal Mommy and Me bonding time. If I was going to make it through the day with out anyone crying (well, without me crying) I needed some help. Frankly, I wish someone would just invent something I can inject directly into my veins and save me from all that bothersome swallowing.........but since the FDA has all of their "rules" and "regulations" I was forced to find the liquid variety (not to mention that it is a slippery slope from injecting caffeine to injecting other naughty things like Nutella and Hollandaise Sauce....Caffeine is the gateway drug).
The store that I was at didn't have much selection. None, in fact. What they had was the new Diet Pepsi JAZZ soda in Strawberries and Cream. Clearly this is a new idea because I haven't seen this before. This might be a reaction to the Diet Coke w/ Black Cherry Vanilla, Cinnamon, gold powder and fairy dust. How many flavors does a soda need? Besides...isn't Diet Coke with Black Cherry and Vanilla called Diet Dr. Pepper?
As for the Diet Pepsi with strawberries, cream, puppies, unicorns, rainbows and fairies. NO. NO and NO.
Who's idea was this? Did they test market it AT ALL? The topnote of this soda is what Strawberry markers would taste like if they tasted like they smell. The backnote was a delightful combination of Pepto and that really crappy cheap store brand strawberry soda that stopped tasting good when I was 7. Plus, this is brown. Soda that tastes like that should be radioactive pink. It is the only way to justify it. Bleach....
But, like an alcoholic that drinks fingernail polish remover when there is nothing else in the house. I drank it. I drank it all.
(hangs her head in shame).......
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Sadly, most of the pictures turned out looking like THIS:

It's like she KNOWS what he wants to do to her (poke her eyeballs out, stick the bottle so far down her throat that she chokes.....but all in the name of love, people). She looked equally disturbed in all the other photos, like the love child of Star Jones and Yoda. Then I remembered another photo shoot that I tried to do when Jacob was Nori's age. The pictures turned out like this:
It's ok. Not cute. Neither of them. Lauren was not a very cute baby either. I think I just get little gremlin babies that eventually become cute. Lauren is a cute girl and Cubby is dreamy now (although will I look back on THESE pictures and think "ewww, not cute?" Who knows, I will tell you in 10 years). I guess there is hope.
So, as you all head into your weekend (esp you Fizz-GOOD LUCK on the half Iron Man....) remember that I gave you something to smile about. It is almost comic when you think about it..... my poor little troll babies.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Project Runway...
Tonights highlights:
1--The fact that Laura has started showing in just a few days. Did you see her in the Paris outfits? Dude!! She looks like she is much farther a long then she really is. Also, this show is shot in about 30 days so when it is all over she is only about 4 months along. I guess it is her 6th child, but I am surprised how quickly she popped. (P.S. I hated her dress tonight...).
2--Michael when he said he was "sweating like a whore in church" about his dress. I haven't heard that phrase in donkey's years. That was great. I love him and I love his clothes. He seems like a nice guy who isn't too full of himself. Everyone else seems to like him too and he manages to stay under the radar. I would have been so sad if he had been booted.
3--I love Jeffrey's dress....but he still bugs me. He is too..I don't know, blechy.
Next week they design for the Olsen twins. I can't wait to see that. Also, Laura cries. I can't imagine how hard it must be to do that show...but doing it pregnant. Yowza.
I am a terrible mother. Today I took Lauren to school at her regular time (10:30) and when I got home had a call from the office that it was EARLY RELEASE DAY.
I sent her to school two hours late.
For the second week in a row. Sigh......
I swear that it is because I am not sleeping and NOT because I am an airhead. On a lighter note...this is how my kids entertain themselves when I am not around. These are baby floaties that became fun costumes...... We should be the Jetsons for Halloween. More pictures and huge post tomorrow.