After everyone dug into their baskets, Norah went behind them and took what she liked from the shrapnel on the floor.
Lu got nail polish. Their MUST be a real Easter Bunny because mom doesn't allow that stuff
Norah decided she wanted Jacob's balls.

Hunting for eggs outsides wasn't as fun as I thought it would be. My kids aren't really into candy and the idea of finding eggs with candy in them wasn't enough to motivate them at all. Finally, we turned it into a sibling war and be Cubby that he would find more than Lauren. They were OFF.
In the end, they only found about half of them and Derek and I had to go after them and clean up the rest (in fact, we found more candy this morning...). Next year, we are just going to cut to the chase and hide money.
It was such a beautiful day outside that day we just hung out. The big kids got into the hose and got soaking wet, Norah just tried to keep up. It was so nice to sit on our chairs in the backyard. I was holding the little one (who was only 4 days old and now seems SO MUCH BIGGER) and Derek studied. A house, a yard, the baby, healthy kids..there was much to be thankful for this Easter.

Everything looks so lovely Bek, I loved reading about your first Easter in your new home and seeing how much the kids are growing up.
I know I've said this before, but you are simply amazing!
Cute! I love the nail polish story. . .santa brings all kinds of stuff that I would say "No Way!" to.
Yeah for a walking (at least attempting) Norah!
Nice... thanks for sharing so much of your day. It does my heart good to see Norah trying to walk! That's so exciting! Oh, and the sunshine is nice, too. As I look out my window over the top of the screen, the snow just keeps coming down... missing CA right about now.
We decided to do more money and less candy next year too. Not because my kids don't like candy, but because they like it a little too much. Anyway if you get a moment could you email me your new address I have a gift for baby grace. Thanks
Look at her WALK!!
And that look that she shoots the camera, hello!
Az..that is the famous "stink eye". She gives it to the doctors all the time. She takes a VERY long time to warm up to people. The fact that one of her eyes will wander makes it extra evil looking.
So far we have seen two steps... it makes my mamma heart proud. Now, if I could just get Jacob out of diapers.. hmmm..
Things are going well with 4, it is the lack of sleep that is killing me..... it is much harder to do without sleep when you actually HAD the baby instead of someone just handing one to you. This isn't for sissys...
I love the house, I love the yard, I love how cute your kids are and I love that candy doesn't motivate them! Sadly, it's the reverse in our home. We hid about $10 worth of quarters in the eggs this year and the kids were like "what the...? where's the candy!?"
p.s. More pics of Gracie! More pics of Gracie!
I'm with Leisha...NOT to delurk or anything but I check this blog everyday for baby pictures! I am having my baby (whose name will also be Grace!) in a week and I have been dying to see more pics of your baby Grace. I was so surprised we picked the same name since I have been following your blog for quite some time and that never even dawned on me! Good taste in names! But back to the baby...cute pics please!
Oh I love the last pic of Norah! So sassy with the over the shoulder look!
I was in your area this past weekend. It was gorgeous out!
We did part coins (pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters) and single peanut egg-shape M&M's in the hidden eggs this year. They ended up with about a handful of the M&M's and a handful of coins (not even caring how much it amounted to).
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