Grace Jane Bingham made her debut today, March 19, 2008, at 4:15 p.m! She weighed in at 7 lbs. 11 oz. (big for a downs baby, but small for a kinsel one...!) She was able to breathe on her own right away and last we heard, she was working on nursing. So, things look really good so far! Bek is also doing well, and my guess is that she is enjoying a diet coke right about now. If all continues to go well, Bek will be home on friday.
bek sent this email last night with the above photo:
"No nursing yet and haven't seen baby since about six pm. She was not able to hold her body temp up or maintain oxgn levels. No one is too worried yet. But we hope she gets it soon."
Oh, let me be the first to say WELCOME baby Grace! What a beautiful name, and blessings on your beautiful spirit and self during your soujourn here on Earth.
Love and prayers for the rest of the family. Congratulations!
OH Congrats Bek (and D, and L, and J, and N!) Sounds like all good news so far! I'm glad she was breathing well right away, such a great sign for a downs babe!! Welcome to the world baby GRACE!!
oh, i am bawling! I am thrilled!!! I LOVE her name!!! great taste in names!!!
i can't wait for pics
enjoy the coke kins!
love ya
Wonderful news! Congratulations!
Hooray and congratulations! Can't wait to see a picture of the new sweet little one.
YEAH!!! So happy that she is big and is doing so well. Can't wait for pictures and more updates!!
Yeah! Glad she is breathing on her own and working on nursing! Congratulations on the newest Bingham!
A million congratulations!! Beautiful name! I'm glad to know that she's here and doing so well.
All our best from New Mexico!!
Oh Hooray! We love you guys! Welcome Grace--can't wait to see you at Disneyland!
congrats congrats congrat!!!!!!!
The name is just beautiful!!!! Can not wait to see pics of her!!
Enjoy your DC!!
YAY! Can't wait to hear more!
Excellent news -- I am sure she is beautiful! Love the name -- Sadie's middle is Jane. And Grace -- I wondered if that was your choice when I was trying to think of all the cute "g" names. I hope you are feeling well. REST! XO
Congratulations Erbecca! Welcome to the world, Gracie! I can't wait to meet her! I hope you are feeling well! Let us all know how you're doing when you get a minute. . .;0)
Whoo-hoo! Welcome, baby Grace Jane!
Grace is a lovely name! And she's HERE- welcome.
congratulations bek and family! welcome to the world, little grace. :-)
We're SO happy for you! We can't wait to hear all of the details. . .and see pictures. We hope you're doing well, and that the recovery is quick. Love the name. . .Jane has always been a girl favorite, if I ever had the guts to have another child.
Bek - Congratulations! So glad to hear things went well for both you and baby. Take good care of yourself. . and take a lot of pictures! Hugs - Pep
Congratulations to everyone involved! Especially mom!
I must 19th everyone else and say that the name is beautiful.....
From one Jane to another, welcome to the world darling! You are going to just love this mother of yours!
Hooray! Congratulations and welcome baby Grace!
I'm so glad to hear sweet Grace is doing well. Congrats to you and your family. I hope Grace brings you much peace and joy. (You deserve both!!) Hugs!!
OH WONDERFUL WONDERFUL (in the true sense of the word 'wonder'-'full'). I can't wait to see pictures of baby Grace! And I truly cannot wait to hear all the stories in the months to come! Congratulations to the whole family!
Congratulations Bek and family! What a wonderful blessing.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Love the name. Enjoy the Diet Coke :)
Danielle in CO
She's beautiful!
whoo hooo! I am so excited for you Bek! I have been checking your blog constantly to know what is going on- she is beautiful! Congrats!!
Many, many congratulations!
She is Beautiful and perfect! Congrats Bek!
She's absolutely beautiful & I love her name!!!! Congratulations!
She is darling!
Oh Bek! She is SO pretty! Those cheeks!
Oh, my heavens! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! Congratulations to you, Bek... and your entire beautiful family!
Beautiful! Congratulations Bek and Welcome baby Grace (LOVE her name)!
WOW! I just filled up and out with tears! What a wonderful blessing for you and your family. Congrats to you all! She is beautiful, adorable!
:o) happy baby
she is just beautiful - and what a beautiful name. i just can't wait for more pictures!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! She is beautiful! :-) And I adore her name (it is Bethlehem's middle name)!
Wendy from Flippin' Sweet
Goodlordalmighty! That is one beautiful child! That hat is so freaking cute with her profile cheek shot! Grace Jane is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl! Congratulations to all of you! XOXOXO
i wanna hold her!!!!!! :-) she's adorable!
She is so darling and I love her name. Her cheeks and that perfect little nose! Can't wait for more pictures!
She is so adorable! What a wonderful picture of a newborn, she looks beautiful! Congrats!-Jay
Becca, We LOVE the name and glad it is all good news thus far! Hope to see her before she is too big! Why do Dave and Derek get to see eachother?? :) Lots of love...
What a precious picture and a beautiful name! (My oldest sister and my grandmother are named Grace. I don't hear that name too often anymore).
oh guys, she's so beautiful!
Welcome, welcome, welcome Beautiful Baby Girl.
Tammy and Parker
Keeping you guys in our prayers!
She's beautiful!!
Yay Gracie for doing so well!
SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! Nice job mama!
She is beautiful!
Wow! Look how many people adore you and your family! You are the sweetest. Congratulations! Wonderful news! That is the cutest picture and I can't wait to see more. Glad to hear things are going well.
Beautiful Grace. Welcome!
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